Calendar Questions Reasoning Pdf

Monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday.
Calendar questions reasoning pdf. The topic calendar falls under the category of logical reasoning as it involves a lot of logical discussion and analysis one can definitely expect 2 to 4 problems in the question papers of various govt and bank exams. One week includes following 7 days. The following list of entrance exams have calendar as a topic under the logical.
In this post we are providing you the calendar and clock question pdf that is having detailed solution. Candidates can download reasoning and general intelligence clock and calendar study notes example question and explanation exercise questions and answer in pdf format from our website. Reasoning calendar question with answers.
Ssc railway recruitment exams ask one or two questions from calendar topics. Calendar reasoning tricks concepts and questions explained in hindi with pdf and quiz for ssc cgl cpo chsl rrb upsssc and other govt job competitive examinations. We have free practice calendar questions shortcuts and useful tips that are frequently asked in all competitive exams.
This is a chapter which has fixed concepts that come after refurbishing the values. Calendars are one of the most important topics for government sector entrance exams. Questions or problems on calendar with solutions covered for all bank exams competitive exams interviews and entrance tests.
Calendar reasoning calendar is one of the easiest chapters in reasoning to understand. This calendar and clock pdf we are providing is free to download. New rajasthan education whatsapp group link 2020.
How many days will there be from 26th january 1996 to 15th may 1996 both days included. Ssc cgl 2017 reasoning solved paper. Questions on concepts of leap years days are the ones generally asked in many recruitment exams.